Introduction by Clive Branson
Hello & Greetings to Fishing Guide, Wales. I was commissioned to collate and put together a comprehensive Fishing Guide to Welsh Fishing in 2005 producing a hand book for tourist and local anglers. Within the book are over 600 fishing venues and many tourist attractions including Hotels, B&B, Restaurants, places to visit and fishing tackle shops. Over the years has seen many changes due to social and health circumstances, Therefore this Guide will be up-dated on a regular basis, please feel free to come back and check it out
About my Country of Wales
Wales is a beautiful nation that, along with England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, make up the United Kingdom.
This guide has been compiled thanks to the contributions of fishing clubs, fishery owners and others who kindly helped me put together in what I believe to be the most comprehensive fishing guide about where to go fishing in Wales.
(It is inevitable that whilst producing this guide, some fisheries details will have changed or that some fisheries have been omitted. I would be grateful if any omissions or errors could be brought to my attention so that future editions can be amended, or if you would like to see other information included in future editions or have general comments, then please email)

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